tirsdag 20. oktober 2015

In my bones (Terry Pratchett: The Wee Free Men)

She’d read the dictionary all the way through. No one told her you weren’t supposed to.
The Shepherd’s Crown fikk meg til å savne Tiffany Aching sånn som hun skal være, så da ble det sånn. Jeg elsker the Nac Mac Feegle («‘We wuz misunderstood when we was wee bairns!’ yelled Rob Anybody. ‘Ye’re only pickin’ on us cuz we’re blue! We always get blamed for everythin’! The polis hate us! We wasnae even in the country!’»), og selv om jeg synes alvenes land er i vageste laget, er Tiffany vår heltinne,  for oss pirkete systemorienterte perfeksjonister.
You’re going to turn into somebody like Miss Tick, said her Second Thoughts. Do you really want that? ‘Yes,’ said a voice, and Tiffany realized that it was hers again. The anger rose up, joyfully. ‘Yes! I’m me! I am careful and logical and I look up things I don’t understand! When I hear people use the wrong words I get edgy! I am good with cheese. I read books fast! I think! And I always have a piece of string! That’s the kind of person I am!’

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