torsdag 18. juni 2015

Not basically a nice person (Terry Pratchett: Witches Abroad)

And Granny . . . she just gave people a bottle of coloured water and told them they felt a lot better. And what was so annoying was that they often did.
Hjertelig gjensyn med heksene igjen. Jeg er kanskje ikke så sjarmert av eventyrpremisset i denne boka, men til gjengjeld er den ofte langt over hysterisk morsom. Nanny Oggs selvtegnede postkort! («This is a picture of some famous bridge or other.») Etymologiene! («She wasn’t at all certain about the meaning of the word ‘decadent’. She’d dismissed the possibility that it meant ‘having ten teeth’ in the same sense that Nanny Ogg, for example, was unident.») Granny Weatherwax som spiller kort mot kortsvindlere! Og dessuten er dette den første av heksebøkene der kampen mellom lyset og mørket i Granny Weatherwax kommer tydelig fram – som Sam Vimes har hun en mørk side og vet godt om den. Nanny Ogg vet det også:
‘I’m not saying she’s not basically a nice person –’ Magrat began. ‘Hah! I am. You’d have to go a long day’s journey to find someone basically nastier than Esme,’ said Nanny Ogg, ‘and this is me sayin’ it. She knows exactly what she is. She was born to be good and she don’t like it.’

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