onsdag 8. april 2015

Natural causes (Terry Pratchett: Wyrd Sisters)

On nights such as this, witches are abroad. Well, not actually abroad. They don’t like the food and you can’t trust the water and the shamans always hog the deckchairs.
Hjertelig gjensyn med Pratchetts hekseserie, med Granny Weatherwax i full blomst. («You always lost against Granny Weatherwax, the only interest was in seeing exactly how.») Siden boka i tillegg er en løselig Macbeth-parodi, er den også yrende full av Shakespeare-vitser, inkludert mannen selv i dvergen Hwels skikkelse, som stadig er utsatt for haglstormer av motstridende inspirasjon. Og den beskriver teateret med samme sjarm og varme og godmodighet som Shakespeare in Love (det er sikkert egentlig omvendt). («Tomjon left the stage to thunderous applause at the concluding act of The Troll of Ankh. A hundred people would go home tonight wondering whether trolls were really as bad as they had hitherto thought although, of course, this wouldn’t actually stop them disliking them in any way whatsoever.»)

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