tirsdag 18. mars 2014

The whole solution to your problem (Douglas Adams: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)

By means of an ingenious series of strategically deployed denials of the most exciting and exotic things, he was able to create the myth that he was a psychic, mystic, telepathic, fey, clairvoyant, psychosassic vampire bat.
I likhet med andre ting Douglas Adams har skrevet, er vel ikke dette just et komposisjonens mesterverk, dertil er vendingene i historielinja for brå og ville. Men den henger faktisk ganske listig sammen, og persongalleriet er av en annen verden. Spesielt Dirk Gently (Svlad Cjelli!) selv, selvfølgelig, men den komplett ujordiske programmereren Richard og kjæresten Susans reaksjoner på ham er også minneverdige.  (“But I’m sure,” she added, “that there’s some kind of gray area between being pressurized and being completely forgotten about that I’d quite like to explore. Give me a hug.”) For ikke å snakke om Reg alias professor Chronotis. (His professorship was an obscure one, to say the least, and since he dispensed with his lecturing duties by the simple and time-honored technique of presenting all his potential students with an exhaustive list of books that he knew for a fact had been out of print for thirty years, then flying into a tantrum if they failed to find them, no one had ever discovered the precise nature of his academic discipline.)

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